
Kushinagar Mahaparinirvan place of Buddha Rambhar Stupa in India

General Information About Kushinagar

Country India
State Uttar Pradesh
Location 53 KM from Gorakhpur
Best time to visit October to March
Tourist places to visit Mahaparinirvana Temple, Rambhar Stupa, Mukutbandhan Chaitya, Monasteries, Buddha Museum
Significance Lord Buddha cremated in Mahaparinirvana Stupa, Mahaparinirvana Temple, Reclining Buddha
Nearby Tourist Places Bodhgaya, Rajgir, Nalanda, Vaishali, Kesaria, Lauria Nandangarh, Sarnath, etc.
Festivals to visit Buddha Purnima, Nirvana Day

Kushinagar in Uttar Pradesh is a modern district in India. Kushinagar is situated in Uttar Pradesh, India, approximately 52km east of the city of Gorakhpur. NH-28 is the highway it lies on. It is believed that this was the place where Lord Buddha took his last breath. There are archaeological findings to suggest the evidence of existence of an ancient city at and before the time of Buddha.

Best Time to Visit Kushinagar

The time between October and March serves as a pleasant window in terms of the best time to visit Kushinagar.

How to Reach Kushinagar

You can reach Kushinagar from Gorakhpur which is nearest transport circuit connected to all major routes across India and also to Nepal. Gorakhpur is 52 Km from Kushinagar whereby you can take bus, local train of taxi to reach Kushinagar. Buddhist Tour in India offers Buddhist Pilgrimage to Kushinagar.

Tourist Attractions of Kushinagar

Tourist Attractions of Kushinagar are Mahaparinirvana Temple, Rambhar Stupa (Chaitya), MathaKuar Shrine, Reclining Buddha Statue , Watt Thai Temple , Indo-Japan-Sri Lanka Temple and Kushinagar Kushinagar Museum .